Washington County Minnesota
Master Gardeners
Since 1977

Gardening classes: Learn & grow with us!
While our gardens lie dormant, spark new ideas and gain new skills by taking a class or two from our volunteer educators.
Topics this winter include:
- growing backyard fruits,
- square foot gardening,
- backyard composting,
- vegetable gardening,
- pruning trees, and more.
Classes are offered in person or online, and some have a small fee. Find class descriptions and registration details on our community education page.
Request a Master Gardener to join your event
Please complete this request form and we’ll contact you to make arrangements to have a Master Gardener volunteer educator at your event. Our volunteers can provide information and an educational display on topics including pollinator health, removing buckthorn, gardening with native plants and many more topics. We’re involved countywide with local youth organizations, nature centers, churches, businesses and community events.

Ask a Master Gardener: Email us questions
Have gardening questions? We’ve got you covered! Our expert volunteer educators offer reliable advice based on solid research. We won’t give you untested or risky solutions. Send us your question and include photographs if possible and email us at: wcmg@umn.edu. Please allow us a few days to research and return with an answer. Learn more on our Ask A Master Gardener page.
Garden to Table, Learn, Grow, Eat: a Garden Guide

Our volunteers have created a beginner’s guide to growing fruits and vegetables, everything from apples to zucchini. This guidebook provides education on preparing the garden site, testing the soil, composting and crop rotation. Additionally, this book contains favorite recipes using the produce we have grown. This spiral-bound book, $30, can be purchased at the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum gift shop or on
Our Mission
The mission of the Washington County Master Gardener Volunteer Program is to use research-based horticultural knowledge and practices to deliver educational outreach and project-based efforts that inspire change and promote healthy people, healthy communities and a healthy planet.

Contact Washington County Master Gardener Volunteers:
14949 62nd Street North, Room 4600, Stillwater, MN 55082
Ask a Master Gardener local hotline:
Hotline: (651) 430-6690
Please allow a few days for volunteers to research and respond to your questions.

UMN Extension Resources:
UMN Extension Ask a Master Gardener:
The Master Gardener Volunteer Program was established in Minnesota in 1977, training volunteers to provide research-based home horticulture information. UMN Extension, a state land grant university, discovers science-based solutions, delivers practical education, and engages Minnesotans to build a better future.